
Showing posts from March, 2022
 Sensational sizzling dimensions:8 x 16 medium: photo Quote:"T.E. Lawrence holding his hand over a candle flame until the flesh starts to sizzle." (Ackerman,a natural history of the senses, pg.101) Artist statement: When I was young i burned my hand severely on my sisters blow dryer.  I don't recall hearing my hand but the color drastically changed. I decided to test this action out, I used a lighter I had and tried to hold my hand over it for as long as possible. After a few trials I was able to  withstand the heat longer but my skin never sizzled. This test help me get a better understanding of the pain that Lawrence must have felt. 
 The Anhydrotic Marine dimensions : 9 x 12 medium: drawing paper Quote: "soldiers don't feel pain" (Ackerman, pg. 101) Artist statement: The quote made me think of this image immediately, I know that the meaning  is not literal. I believe the author meant this as soldiers see so much which effects their ability to  sympathize with people and understand peoples feelings. I have family in the military they train  them to feel less inclined to react to pain but no doubt they do still feel it